trigger yourself happy

Do you have any positive triggers?

Wait. Is that an oxymoron??

We tend to associate the word trigger with a negative context. Being triggered by people, places or things, that bring about feelings of anxiety, tension, anger, grief or sadness.

But if we can be triggered by external sources into negative states, then we can absolutely be triggered into positive states as well.

Too often we place happiness outside of our reach and make it the result of a particular outcome. However, finding ways to be happy just for the sake of being happy is your absolute Universal given right. Establishing positive triggers in your life is a very empowering way to work directly with your energy body to then shift your state of mind. So what could trigger positive emotions within you? How can you connect to these throughout your day? It is not a crime to feel good for no reason and the more habitual you can be about shifting your state the more it becomes your natural state.

We already know that things like going for a run, doing some yoga or going for a walk boost our energy and help to release happy hormones, but if life is full or you cant muster up the energy for those then a short positive trigger could help. This is about finding quick things, like a little jolt of joy to the system to get you back to feeling more at peace, more at ease and more naturally you. This is about the small things you can do at home to create a fast shift in your state. And once you’ve triggered your energy into a better feeling state? Well,…I’m pretty sure that what flows from there is going to feel more energised and more aligned to your true nature.

Everyone is different in terms of what floats your boat but to get you thinking about setting up your own positive triggers, here are my own top 5 with a few tips of how you can enhance these yourself..

1.     MUSIC

Music has the power to shift energy and mood in an instant. Our sense of hearing is connected to our limbic brain (along with touch, smell and taste) where our memories and emotions are held. So when you hear a piece of music that you love, it connects you to good feeling memories and you can experience an immediate shift in your energy and emotions. When you love a song a chemical reaction takes place and the brain releases neuro-chemicals that creates an impulse to move, sing, dance, clap, cheer or even just smile.

I rely massively on music to lift my mood and trigger me into joyful states. I even created my own manifesting joy playlist full of uplifting, joyful, spiritual tracks that never fail to work on me. In particular I have one track I listen to for a feeling of love and abundance and another track I listen to for courage and success. I’ve listened to these tracks so many times whilst attaching the particular positive feelings, to the point that now when I hear those tracks I am instantly transported into that energy. Huge happy trigger for me!!

My Tip

Create your own playlist of joyful uplifting tracks. If you need some inspiration, you can check out my Spotify playlist here

 2.     DANCE

If you know me then you know this had to come 2nd and pretty much comes hand-in-hand with music for me. 

I have been dancing since the age of 4 and it has always remained in my heart. Whether its disco dancing competitions in primary school, musicals at senior school, studying A-Level dance in college, a BA Hons in contemporary dance at Uni, being a serious raver in my 20’s to finding the world of conscious dance with 5 Rhythms, Open Floor Practice, Qoya and Ecstatic Dance in my 30’s and 40’s. I. LOVE. DANCING.

It’s amazing though, how much my body will resist dancing at times. I tell myself I should dance every morning to start my day energised but some days I still don’t because my mind tells me I’m too tired or I have too much to do. Then on the days I dance for just a couple of tracks around my house with my wireless headphones on…..I feel electric!! I’m still working on my #danceverydamnday motto but in the space of just 10 minutes, I can feel joyful, playful and reborn. In fact, I’ve just convinced myself to throw a few shapes around the house right now!

My Tip

Invest in a pair of noise-cancelling bluetooth headphones so you can shut out the rest of the world and get lost in the music. I use mine when I wake early in the morning and don’t want to disturb my kids and it supercharges my day. I’m also a huge fan of a kitchen dance while I cook the kids dinner to get me through the mayhem that usually stirs at that time!


Grounding or Earthing is the activity of placing your bare feet on the earth (grass, concrete, sand or soil) Doing this for just 10-20 minutes comes with huge health benefits and can really shift energy. 

It’s especially amazing to combat feelings of fear and anxiety.  It forces you to be more mindful because you become much more aware of the ground and the sensations it brings. If you would like to know the full benefits you can view a blog I wrote about it here. I also love the embodied sense of grounding and connecting to Mother Earth, fully acknowledging her support and the fact she is always there for me.

My Tip

Try Earthing in your garden. Stand barefoot for a few minutes, breathing deeply and acknowledging your connection to the ground. Instant calming medicine!


Looking at positive images of people or places can give you a huge boost of serotonin (a natural happy chemical produced by the body). Revisiting happy moments, cherished memories and special places can have a very soothing effect on your soul as you are reminded of who you are and the things that you are connected to.

My Tip

I created an electronic album in my phone titled ‘Abundance’ and I add any picture to it that makes me smile and brings me joy. I can set it to slideshow mode and play music while I watch it and POW! It's an instant heart swell moment of gratitude and belonging.



Like music, our sense of smell is connected to our limbic brain so when smells are associated with positive thoughts and memories our brain remembers and creates the association. With repetition, in time simply taking a moment to breathe in the aroma can instantly transport you to a place of peace, joy, reassurance or gratitude.

Essential Oil expert Melinda J Brecheisen has been studying the power of anchoring certain scents to ignite particular emotions. She has written 2 books on the subject, you can view one called Aromatic Anchoring here.

My Tip

Think about the kind of smells you like. Do you like citrus, floral or earthy tones for example? Find the scent that makes you go ‘ahhhhh’ and breathe a nice sigh out. Then create a mindful moment in your day to breathe in this scent and connect to positive emotions. Repetition is important here because eventually, the smell alone will ignite the feelings without having to consciously connect them.

So what is your favourite or do you have your own? I would love to hear what you do to shift your state and it would be amazing to receive your feedback if you try one of the above.

Give it a go and trigger your energy into a positive shift and claim back your right to feel joy right now.

If you fancy a bigger dose of Nature Joy check out my upcoming events

back your right to feel joy!!

Trigger your energy into a positive shift and claim

back your right to feel joy!!


Time Affluence


When you go for a walk, don’t forget to bring your body with you.