Time Affluence

The topic of time famine has come up a lot lately with my clients and I've been encouraging them to cultivate TIME AFFLUENCE

We live in a society that constantly emphasizes and reinforces time famine and almost everyday you will hear phrases on repeat around the lack of time people have or how fast time moves.

I can't believe it's July already!

This week has flown by

Blink and you'll miss it.

Your kids will be teenagers before you know it.

Where does the time go??

Of course there are days and weeks that feel like they pass by more quickly than others but the more you give your attention to this, the bigger it will feel.

Constantly affirming a lack of time may feel like pretty normal conversation fodder on the surface yet on a deeper level it is based around scarcity. The 'not enough' epidemic.

Feelings of scarcity can really affect our mood and cause us to feel stressed, anxious, overwhelmed or helpless.

So instead of affirming time poor statements this week, try practicing time affluence.

I have all the time I need.

All in good time.

There’s no rush

I’m taking my time.

You may not fully believe it at first but energy flows where attention goes and you have the power to change your beliefs. See if you can notice when others share time poor statements and begin to grow your awareness around this social construct of time scarcity.

Also ask yourself why it feels like time passes so quickly. Is it because you are packing too much into your daily schedule and don't have time to pause and breathe and be present to your life? Creating more slow time in your life will definitely help to create a sense of life and time slowing down.

I love the quote above from Lao Tzu that reminds me to slow down and trust that what needs to be achieved will get done without my need to push it.

I also love Dr Joe Dispenza's mantra of 'I live in no time and i accomplish everything'. Time is a man made concept after all and in reality time passes at the exact same speed. Every. Single. Day.

Sending you all the time in the Universe for your glorious expansion!


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