So we have now stepped into September and this month definitely has a January feel to it for me. There is a sense for me and many others that its a fresh start as the kids begin a new year at school (and this year my youngest embarks on her school journey so it feels like a big new chapter for me and her!). With that sense in mind it’s a great time for reflection and intention setting and looking at the ways we have grown and wish to continue growing, or perhaps consider new ways and directions we want to grow in.

So what do I mean when I say grow? There is the physical meaning of course, but growth is also achieved in many non-physical ways too. With our emotions, our intelligence, our responsibilities, life challenges and achievements etc, but often we limit our growth in these areas because of fears or limiting beliefs. We are afraid of failing or being wrong, we lack self-belief or worry about what others will think if we change direction in our lives.

This is when growth mindset is crucial. Understanding that growth comes through hard work, learning from mistakes, receiving support and input from others and being open to change. The path to more growth and expansion is achieved far more fluidly if we adopt a growth mindset and Mother Nature is the ultimate guru in learning how to embody this powerful thought process and belief system.

Growth mindset embodied....

Recently on a client 1:1 Wellbeing Walk, we noticed the base of a large tree that had fallen. The base was on its side but the trunk of the tree had been cut away and removed. The stump was however still intact with the Earth and some roots remained. This meant that smaller, thinner branches had begun to grow upwards from this base to look like a cluster of new baby trees. It was both heartbreaking and yet incredibly inspiring to see the determination of this tree continue to grow in whatever form it could despite its obvious trauma of falling and being severed from its life’s work.

What came to me in that moment was that ultimately Nature has one goal……TO GROW.

Nature doesn’t care what its growth looks like, it doesn’t care that its neighbour is growing in different ways and doesn’t care if that neighbour grows taller or bigger or prettier or stronger. If a neighbour begins to overshadow a tree, it simply moves its direction of growth and grows in different ways towards the light (whilst always relying on its roots that are planted and manifested in the darkness but that’s another conversation to be had about the power of light and dark, that we wont go into right now!).

Have you seen trees that have started growing upwards and then have had to twist and turn in odd angles looking almost mangled yet remaining strong? Do you judge them? Most likely you stare in awe at their beautiful unique shape and feel a sense of wonder at this tree’s amazing journey of growth.

This is a powerful example of GROWTH MINDSET and Mother Nature is our greatest teacher when it comes to this term. In fact, she invented it.

The term Growth Mindset is used a lot these days. It’s important for business’ wanting to invest in their people and its huge in the personal development world where people flock to grow and develop themselves. It’s also a big part of the school system now, to support kids to break through the fear of failure or other limiting beliefs and keep trying with the understanding that sometimes growth takes time.

When we consider WE ARE NATURE, its sad that we are now having to teach/coach/remind ourselves of this mindset and belief. That we have forgotten our own purpose as humans on this planet, as part of the magnificent web of life that continues to grow and evolve every day, hour, minute and second that the Earth turns. Our fears have become stronger than our natural instincts to grow and so we limit our growth, try to control it, try to mimic others or compete or shrink ourselves for fear of judgement.

Our life journey is a process of personal growth from the moment we become a fertilised egg in the womb to the moment we take our last breath.

So aside from the obvious meaning of growth, what do I mean by personal growth?

Well for me its definitely not about achieving success in the way mainstream society projects or moving up the ranks in status, recognition or notoriety.

Personal growth is…..

Forming, growing and nurturing relationships to create meaningful connections. Learning to listen, to be vulnerable and to be authentic.

Falling down and having the courage to get back up, looking at what worked and what didn’t and trying again without any guarantee you won’t fall again.

Exploring who you are, understanding what makes you tick, what excites you and what you stand for and then seeing how you can embody that in the daily actions you take.

Learning something new and not just because it gets you a qualification or pay rise. A new skill, hobby, course or community project that expands your mind and understanding of the world and creates connection and understanding regardless of status, recognition or monetary gain.

Having the courage to change direction when things are not working out the way you hoped or when you feel like you’ve reached a dead end. Being brave enough to look at all the other potential paths you could take on your journey and take a leap of faith. Giving gratitude for that previous path that made it possible for you to even come to that realisation.

Looking after yourself emotionally and physically. Nurturing your roots, your body and your life story so that you can continue to expand as the beautiful unique species of Nature that you are.

Simply saying ‘this is me and this is my path and I don’t have to be like anyone else to find my joy, my truth and my sense of belonging’.

Being able to admit you were wrong or standing up for what you feel is wrong.

Experiencing life in its fullness – the tears, joy, pain, love, fear, courage, grief, adventure, shock and awe and every emotion in between. Remembering growth needs darkness to continue reaching up into the light.


So ask yourself….

How are you growing right now?

What different ways are you growing in all the different aspects of your life?

How would you like to grow in new ways?

What new paths or branches would you like to explore or grow?

What stops you from growing or limits your belief that you can?

If you’re only goal in life was to grow and expand regardless of status or judgement, what would you do?


Try this…

When you are next out in Nature, take some time to witness the incredible growth mindset that surrounds you. The abundance of diversity, the calm determination that produces everything you see, the simple acceptance of the community that doesn’t need to compete or prove itself and is simply focused on growing and expanding in whatever way is possible. Find a sit spot and observe growth in all its forms. The grass, the plants, flowers, trees. Try asking yourself those questions listed above while you are there to see if Nature can inspire you to grow in new and exciting ways.

and finally….

Keep in mind that you are a magnificent work in progress and will always be ‘in progress’. So set yourself free from limitations, return to your true Nature self and allow yourself to flourish in new, exciting, and meaningful ways regardless of other’s perceptions or judgements. Be that tree that stands out in the forest growing in unusual misshapen ways and is admired by passers-by for its striking character and uniqueness.

 You are Nature. Let yourself grow xxxx

Wellbeing Walks

Nature has an abundance of wisdom for us to learn or remember. If you are interested in exploring a different way of viewing life that is step away from cognitive or analytical learning then a 1:1 Wellbeing Walk can provide insight that arises from a deep knowing within. These walks can be an incredible way to explore your own life journey and find meaning and understanding in the qualities and principles of Mother Nature.

As a qualified life coach, Natural mindfulness, and Forest Bathing Guide, I combine these skills to guide you on a journey through Nature that supports you to come home to your own true nature and explore your unique journey of growth and expansion.

Wellbeing in the Workplace

If you are interested in this approach to Growth Mindset for your business or team, then I offer workshops and presentations in the workplace with the option to lead an outdoor session. Head over to my corporate well-being page to see my offerings.

Contact me for further details.



