A guide to Forest Bathing. Forest Bathing Guide, Tansy Dowman, Tansy in the Wild, Forest Bathing Experiences, Kent UK

Your Guide To Forest Bathing: A Journey Into Nature's Therapy

In the hustle and bustle of modern life, finding tranquillity can be a challenge. However, the practice of forest bathing, or 'Shinrin-yoku,' as it's called in Japan, offers a serene escape. It's an enchanting blend of nature's serenity and the healing power of mindfulness, and embarking on this journey is simpler than you might think.

Start by seeking out the right spot. A perfect forest bathing location isn't necessarily deep in the wilderness; it's any woodland area where you can comfortably immerse yourself in nature. This could be a nearby nature reserve, a national park, or even a well-treed corner of your local park.

Forest bathing is a digital detox. As you step into your chosen forest, leave behind the incessant pings of emails, social media, and phone calls. By disconnecting from the digital world, you open a door to a deeper connection with the world around you.

As you embark on your journey, take the pace of a lazy Sunday stroll. Let your feet crunch softly on the forest floor, tune into the rustle of leaves whispering in the breeze, or stop to watch a squirrel scamper up a tree. Forest bathing isn't about getting from point A to B; it's about savouring the journey.

Remember to breathe. With each deep, calming breath of crisp, clean forest air, you become more present in the moment. As you draw in the earthy scent of the forest and exhale your worries, you'll feel your connection to the forest grow.

Forest bathing invites you to use all your senses. Feel the rough bark beneath your fingers, watch the dappling sunlight dance on the forest floor, and listen to the symphony of bird songs. Being present in the moment and engaging your senses makes the experience more meaningful and enriches your connection to nature.

Some forest bathers choose to bring a journal to capture their thoughts, feelings, or the inspiration that strikes. Others may incorporate meditation into their forest bathing routine. But remember, there's no right or wrong way to forest bathe. This practice is your personal journey into nature's tranquillity and healing.

Embarking on a forest bathing journey is not just an escape from daily life and is very different to a typical ‘walk in the woods’. It is a way to return to our natural roots, rekindling the bond between us and the natural world while remembering that we are part of a larger ecosystem.

Sometimes people find it much easier to take part in forest bathing with a guide such as myself, see the link below for ways you can work with me both in private and group settings.

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Tansy Dowman, Forest Bathing Guide, Tansy in the Wild, Kent, UK

Tansy is a People Walker and Nature Connector. She believes deeply that connection to Mother Nature is a direct pathway of reconnection with your soul, your inner wild self and your true nature. As a certified Shinrin Yoku Guide and Natural Mindfulness Teacher, she is driven by a purpose to reignite our relationship with this majestic planet we inhabit. To return to our place of origin and discover a sense of belonging that is waiting for us when we are ready to acknowledge and embrace our deeper connection to the wild. Also an outdoor empowerment coach for women, Tansy walks alongside her clients on their journey of personal evolution. Nature connection is at the core of her work, her passion, even her name which is a wildflower.

Tansy holds a variety of workshops, retreats and walks all centred around finding a connection to Nature and the self.


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