the benefits of connecting with the seasons in your own natural cycle

Hello Inner Spring!

Wow I’m really feeling my spring energy this week and feeling super uplifted, motivated, giddy and excitable.

Do you track your menstrual cycle?

5 years ago I decided to stop with standard forms of contraceptive and instead began tracking my cycle naturally.

By doing that I have connected closely to the ebbing and flowing of energy that occurs naturally during that cycle and have been able to recognise how the different stages affect my mood, output and general wellbeing.

Its also helped me to build more resilience, perspective and trust in myself when I flow through those stages that bring more sensitivity, tiredness, impatience and grief. More often than not I am able to hold those stages with more self compassion and awareness and can reassure myself that its OK to have those feelings and allow them to be there in the trust that they will move through me and release once more.

It also connects me more deeply to Nature as I am reminded that I am a cyclical being just like Mother Earth.

I loved reading the book Wild Power by the founders of Red School because they name the 4 stages of the menstrual cycle after the 4 seasons of Nature and wow it makes so much sense!

Inner Spring is the phase just before ovulation.

Springtime is full of potent creative energy just waiting to burst out and bloom. It’s full of anticipation, it’s a young energy, playful, energetic and flirtatious.

Inner Summer is the ovulation phase.

Summertime is full bloom energy, full of power, confidence and strength. It holds a sense of vibrancy and illumination and feels wise and sovereign.

Inner Autumn is the pre-menstrual phase.

Autumntime is wild and chaotic with the wind churning everything up and the leaves falling from the trees. In Autumn there is a sense of loss with the passing of summer. It is an intense time of transformation.

Inner Winter is the menstrual phase.

Wintertime is a time of deep-rest (which sounds like ‘depressed’ when you say it quickly as Jeff Foster pointed out) it is a time of darkness and going inward. It is a time of loss and stillness and requires inner nurturing to avoid full depletion. Winter invites us to slow down with permission and trust that Spring will return again soon.

Do you see the correlation between Nature’s seasons to your own cycle? It’s a wonderful way to identify the phases and feel connected to great Mother Nature.

After all, you are Nature. Wild, flowing, cycling, growing and unfolding.

I would love to know if this resonates with you. Keep an eye out for future workshops as I may hold some outdoor sessions for women that explore these themes.

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When you go for a walk, don’t forget to bring your body with you.
