how going for a walk really does clear your head

You’ve heard that phrase before, right? You may have tried it yourself, perhaps after an argument or during a difficult time in your life, or maybe to try and cure a hangover (speaks from experience). You’re not sure where the phrase came from, but you heard it somewhere and somehow it made sense. If you’ve tested it out, you may not be exactly sure what happened, but you likely experienced some kind of shift in yourself and your being.


Because walking is a superpower that has long been overlooked in the wake of every fitness pursuit out there. The health and wellbeing industry has never been bigger and yet we are walking less. We have created a world of convenience that removes so much of the need for walking and has disconnected us from our most natural and innate activity. 

The thing is, it turns out that walking isn’t a simple action and this everyday motion we take for granted is a complex arrangement of physical and chemical actions and reactions that take place across the entire body from head to toe.

Walking has been scientifically proven to bring a myriad of benefits. For example:

  • It strengthens and increases the size of our hippocampus, the part of the brain that plays a major role in memory and learning.

  • It increases blood flow to the brain which can help with brain fog and fatigue.

  • It releases endorphins (happy chemicals) into the body which boosts mood and vitality.

These 3 things alone provide a major boost to brain health which can result in increased creativity, improved mood and memory, better cognitive function and problem-solving and prevention of mental health illness. All this for the simple act of putting one foot in front of the other.

Take your walk into Nature

If you choose to do your walking in Nature, you just supercharged the experience. Spending time in Nature is proven to reduce your heart rate, blood pressure and the stress hormone cortisol.

All the science and research aside, walking in Nature does something to me that’s difficult to fully explain. It softens my focus, which in turn softens my thoughts and my heart. I find myself breathing more deeply and a sense of calm washes over me that I’m not sure I would find in a gym or studio or walking through a town or city. I feel a sense of deep connection and I’m ignited by a wonderful sense of gratitude. My body does what it knows best, clarity arrives and life feels less complicated.

If you’re fighting the fog or feeling a disconnection, maybe it’s time to get back to basics and let your feet guide you home to yourself.

Tansy Jane Dowman

Upcoming Event

The Soul Setting Journey is returning in January 2023 - A day out walking to set intentions and connect with your souls calling. Utilising the power of walking and Nature to increase creativity, courage, compassion and inspiration and offering a wonderful boost to your wellbeing.

BOOK YOUR PLACE for Sunday 15th January 2023


